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HomeSki trips or ski events?

You'll notice we have two types of activities: Trips and Events.  


"Trips" are our traditional trips, where you pay the Club to provide lift tickets, transportation, accommodations, and social events in a single package deal. Trips are subject to cancellation fees, due to the impact on Club financial commitments if you cancel.


"Events" are where you take care of your own lift tickets, transportation, and accommodations (we give you recommendations), and the Club provides the coordination and the social events that bring us together. Because the Club has no financial commitments for Events, you can cancel at any time for a full refund -- even after the Event (assuming you did not participate). 


Events provide you and the Club maximum flexibility in dealing with the uncertainties of changing COVID restrictions. 


There is something else we need to tell you about skiing in 2022 that contributed to our decision to host mostly Events instead of Trips. The three main constituents of ski trips -- transportation, accommodations and lift tickets -- have all steeply increased in the last two years. It seems everyone is travelling and skiing, and prices reflect that.  And with requirements for masks and social distancing on buses, that form of transportation has gone from being a bargain party on wheels to a pricey uncomfortable plane ride. Not fun.


Now the good news. We're going to make 2022 a great ski season in spite of the challenges! The snow hasn't changed, the mountains haven't changed, the good company hasn't changed, and the food and drinks are just as tasty. So join our Trip Leaders and Event Hosts in having a great time on and off the slopes in 2022.


Your Desert Ski Club Trip Director,

Jay Reinhardt